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Author Guidelines

Preparation of Manuscripts:

Authors should submit the manuscript that have been carefully proof read and polished. Authors are required to refer the IJSEAS manuscript template. This will ensure fast processing and publication. Acceptance or rejection notification will be sent to all authors through e-mail.

Authors Guidelines

  • Manuscripts should be neatly typed Times New Roman font using a font size of 12 (MS Word /.doc format)

  • The language of the Journal is English. SI units should be used wherever possible. Other units, if used, should be given only in parentheses preceded by SI units.

  • Mathematical symbols should be typed and care should be taken to differentiate between similar characters (e.g. 1 and I), upper and lower case letters and superscripts and subscripts.

  • Margins : Top 1.0 Bottom 1.0 Left 1.0 Right 1.0
    Orientation : Portrait
    Font : Times New Roman / 12 pt
    Title of paper : 16 Point
    Heading : 14 Point
    Sub-heading : 12 Point (Bold)
    Spacing : Single line spacing
    Column: Two columns

    Authors are requested to submit their articles to the following e-mail id: